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Get Ready - He Comes
It is commonly known that when a leader has said all that can be said - has admonished all who can be admonished - has warned all who...
Question: When the hammer of justice falls to judge the unrighteous, what should it look like? This is a serious question that I would...
Honey-do Christianity
There are many in the Body of Christ totally confused on what our duties are as ambassadors to this lost and dying world - a role we...
God's Offspring
So let me see if I have this straight... Every animal on earth produces offspring of its own kind, and little ones always grow up to...
The Other Book
We all know that grace is a gift from God. Salvation cannot be earned by word, work, or deed; and the attempt to earn salvation is in...
The cynic among us says that Christmas is for children. Jesus told us that we must become like children in order to enter the Kingdom of...
Children of God - Arise
The enemy of your soul has two primary jobs set before him if he wishes to stay his inevitable execution (for as long as he can): 1....
The Filter
A few years ago The Lord gave me a reliable filter that has made a great difference in my life. I'm sharing it with you now - and if...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Beloved family and friends... May the love and shalom of our Holy Father inundate you and your loved ones on this the...
Relationship - Not Religion
Relationship - not religion. We are hearing this a lot these days, and I know for a fact that Abba is the inspiration behind the...
Autumn Winds
God's wonders never fail to amaze me. Those of us who love Autumn have been awaiting this day, for it comes every year like clockwork. ...
Joy in the Shadows
Here's a wondrous thing... I've known much joy through the years - yet nearly all of the greatest moments of joy that I have ever...
Sometimes enormous things come in tiny packages - like atoms. And here's a "tiny" little truth that has turned out to be one of the...
Refuse to Settle!
Brothers and Sisters, Priests and Kings, Sons and Daughters of God Most High... It is true that we are all sinners saved by the Grace of...
Be Careful Little Eyes...
I recently watched a documentary detailing the life and times of a very popular American Rock and Roll band that will remain unnamed for...
Beautiful Feet
Here's a little nugget of truth for your consideration today - and I think it clearly illustrates our current state in the Body of...
The Cleverness of Man
Oh, the mighty works and deeds of man – how magnificent we are and how wise to have come so far. Take breathing, for example: how clever...
Spiritual Zingers...
There is a new snare on the scene in The Body - born out of good intentions and (in many cases) innocuous enough. But it is looming...
True Light...
Light, by definition, is a contrast to darkness. If (on one hand) we must admit that we live in very dark times, then the very act of...
Our faith was never meant to become what we now commonly see throughout the world. We were meant for more - and He sacrificed everything...
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